Thursday, October 25, 2018

CANNIS App Is The Upcoming Greatest Star In Nasdaq, US

Assalamualaikum and hey everyone !

Do you guys still remember about Cannis app that i have updated before ? If you don't, you might want to read about that here : Official Launch of Cannis App. Yeah, it was launched two months ago and today, they have more than one hundred thousand of users. Awesome isn't ?

Not just that, Cannis is also bound to become the upcoming greatest star in Nasdaq, United States. With that impressive achievement in just two months of launching, Cannis deserves that recognition. Cannis has continuously invested in the most popular industries such as the technologies, films, beauty, preventive medicines and many others.

So last Sunday, i was lucky enough to attend another Cannis event. The event was held in KLCC. Cannis is widening its horizon by investing huge funds on offline trending industries in hoping to connect with offline customers.

MOU signing ceremony

Token of appreciation for all speakers 

O2O model was being introduced during the event. How it works ? Well, the O2O mode is letting the front-end marketing promotions, online and offline member streaming efficiently and back-end goods delivery services becomes smoother. It is a perfect virtual-reality in doing business.

Cannis Press Conference

Cannis members are applicable to enjoy both online and offline discounts, including any purchases at Cannis's strategic partners' retail stores. Online points can be used to get discounts which helping customers to save more money. Besides, customers also can win grand prizes by participating in a series of Cannis-designed competitions.

Indeed, Cannis app is a great app that focuses on the fastest-growing industries by providing a powerful 7-in-1 function. It is a good platform for everyone to earn money. No wonder, in such a short period of time, Cannis has achieved a great milestone. Looking forward to what more Cannis app can offer in the future for its customers and users.

Download Cannis app right now in Google Play and App Store. It is free anyway !

Website : 


  1. Banyak fungsi ye ada kat app cannis ni.. Btw nak ucap tahniah utk cannis sebab nama bakal masuk dalam nasdaq.. Satu pencapaiaan yg dibanggakan 😊

  2. Wow, hebat Cannia ni dah tersenarai dlm bursa Nasdaq..nanti boleh tengok performance Cannis macam mana, kot kot ada potensi lumayan untuk trade.

  3. itulah bila baca baru tau yang bagus rupanya aplikasi ni ek... lepas ni kak lily nak download lah

  4. This is one good promoting apps and really looking forward up have more and more interest feature inside!! Well done Cannis

  5. Great job cannis...platform yang sangat bagus dan dh diiktirafkan...makin mamai la memilih online shopping ni..

  6. tahniah cannis! heeheh dah download ke? kite baru nak godek -godek ni haaa hahaahah

  7. Wow! Such a great achievement for cannis... must be a great apps..sounds so grand as the greatest star... nice one..

  8. Terbaik Apps Cannis ni.. Ramai yang bagi feedback bagus. Nak download juga nanti nak explore sendiri baru tahu

  9. Tahniah Cannis atas pencapaian yang memberangsangkaan selama 2 bulan ni. Paling tak sangka bakal masuk ke Nasdaq, memang hebatlah. Semoga terus sukses Cannis

  10. Apps ni famous kan ramai yang dah guna. Menariknya sebab ramai org dah guna. Sekarang dah masuk psaran amerika. Hebat betul

  11. Nad tau pasl cannis ni pun dari kawan2 blogger. Nampak mmenark sebb app 7 dalam 1. Nad dahbinstall ank tengok macam mana dia berfungsi

  12. Congrats utk Cannis di atas pencapaian ini. Dalam tempoh sekejap je pun dapat sambutan luar biasa. Moga terus maju jaya.

  13. In future sure ramai pakai Apps ni. Senang semua dalam satu. Tak payah nak bazirkan space dalam telefon dah.
