Assalamualaikum and good day everyone !
Entri masa nak buat visa India boleh baca dekat sini : Visa India
Tiket flight aku tempah tahun lepas, masa hari jadi aku. It was a gift for my birthday from my parents. Tunggu setahun, baru lah dapat merasa. Perghhh ! Penantian satu penyeksaan, tapi juga satu kemanisan. Masa tu Air Asia tengah buat promotion. Memang dapat harga murah gila lah.
Bila bagi tahu aku nak pergi India, some of my friends were like
"Kenapa India ?", "Kenapa tak negara lain ?", "India kan kotor" and bla bla bla.
Aduhai, kenapa lah sempit sangat pemikiran tu. Apa dekat Malaysia nie semua tempat bersih sangat ke ? Tapi bab India kotor tu macam setuju sikit. Seriously takkan because of that ko tak nak datang ? Yang ko pergi hadap tempat kotor tu kenapa ? Macam tak ada tempat lain yang cantik and bersih je. Aiyoo.
Kami berada di India selama 2 minggu. Yes, two weeks. Rasa macam lama kan ? Tapi sebenarnya, tak pon. Malah aku rasa macam tak cukup. Kalau boleh nak sebulan. What can i say, i really love every seconds of my time in India.
Gambar di atas merupakan itinerary kasar yang aku rancang sebelum pergi India. But then bila dah sampai India, perghhh kacau bilau hidup aku masa tu. Clueless habis. Sebab trip India nie, aku tak plan details kot. And the only thing yang kami booked was the flight tickets. That was it. Segala jadah lain, kami buat on the spot. Gila tak ?
Kawan aku kat India tu dah risau dah. Banyak kali dia bagi tahu yang India nie bukan macam dekat America. Lol. Tapi Alhamdulillah, everything went well. Boleh je buat on the spot. Tapi not advisable to do so lah.
#3CluelessTouristInIndia nak bertolak ke India masa nie
Without further ado, ini merupakan full itinerary jelajah India kami. Cuma general je, later i will blog about it more details with the places we had visited. Of course, with lot of pictures !
20 January 2016
Fly from KLIA to Bangalore India (4 Hours journey). Spent one night at Bengaluru airport.
21 January 2016
Departed from Bangalore to Delhi at 5 o'clock in the morning (2 hours and half in flight). Arrived at Delhi at 8 o'clock in the morning. Sight seeing at Delhi for one day. Spent one night at Delhi.
22 January 2016
Off to Agra by car. 6 hours journey. Sight seeing Agra. Spent one night at Agra.
23 January 2016
Continued sight-seeing Agra and off to Jaipur. 5 hours journey to Jaipur and do a little sight-seeing at night and spent one night in Jaipur.
24 January 2016
Full day sight-seeing in Jaipur and spent another night in Jaipur.
25 January 2016
Final sight-seeing in Jaipur and off to Mumbai by train at 2.30 pm. 19 hours in train, mereput !!
26 January 2016
Sight-seeing in Mumbai and spent one night in Mumbai.
27 January 2016
Continued sight-seeing Mumbai before leaving for Goa with AC semi-sleeper bus. 14 hours in the bus, pon mereput jugak.
28 January 2016
We were very exhausted and we do absolutely nothing after checked in to the hotel. We slept like there is no tomorrow. But we went to the beach late in the evening. Went to the beach consider as sight-seeing ? If so, then we only do one sight-seeing for the day. Spent 2 nights in Goa.
29 January 2016 (My very special day)
Rented a bike and went for sight-seeing in Goa.
30 January 2016
Took local bus to Belgaum. It took 5 hours to reach Belgaum from Goa. Met my friend there and he showed us around. He borrowed a bike from his friend for us. Spent 3 nights at his friend's house.
31 January 2016
Syazwan brought us to his university and showed us around. We also went for shopping. Yeay !!
1 February 2016
Syazwan got class. So memang duduk dekat rumah je. Tapi aku nie tak boleh duduk diam, alang-alang ada motor so beronggeng naik motor pergi shopping lagi. Full day shopping. Gila weyh. Belah malam jumpa kawan matrik aku pula, Seri. She also studies in KLE Belgaum.
2 February 2016
Last day in Belgaum, Syazwan brought us to his hostel and went for shopping, again. 3 hari berturut-turut aku pergi shopping tempat yang sama. Lol. In the evening, we went to the lake and paddle boating. Took bus non-AC sleeper bus to Bangalore. 9 hours in the bus. Tak mereput, Alhamdulillah.
3 February 2016
Arrived Bangalore early in the morning, at 6 am. We did plan to go for sight-seeing but then our bags were too heavy and dah tak larat dah. So we decided to go for shopping only. We shopped and then we went to the airport. Off to Malaysia at 11.30 pm, sayonara India !!
4 February 2016
4 hours in flight and finally we arrived Malaysia. 6 a.m waktu tempatan kami sampai (Waktu India lambat 2 jam 30 minit beza dengan Malaysia)
Tak sangka semua berjalan lancar walaupon semua benda kami buat on the spot.
Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah.
So are you guys excited to know the details ? Please lah kata ye, jangan lah bagi aku malu sensorang macam forever alone gila menulis tak ada orang baca hahaha.
Nantikan kemunculannya. Semoga tidak mengambil masa yang lama untuk siap. Kbai.
Official hashtag for this trip in Instagram #3CluelessTouristInIndia
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing. Might be useful for those who are planning to India!
ReplyDeleteTak sabar nak baca yang detailed punya. Kot-kot tiba-tiba aku pun teringin nak pergi India.
ReplyDeleteAssalamualaikum dik. Hehe bestnya 2weeks kat sana.. seronok ko dik pergi dengan member. Perempuan kalau ke india, a bit bahaya kan. Takleh alone. Teringat yg kes rogol tu. Aduii. Jap marathon baca next entri. Ecewahh ko patut bagi awards kat akak, pembaca setia entri2 ko ;)ahahahaha