Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Nuffnang MY 8irthday Celebration

Assalamualaikum and Hi everyone !

Alhamdulillah, bulan March hari tu Nuffnang ada buat satu contest nie di mana kita kene update status facebook berkenaan memorable moment with Nuffnang. So i did it and got the invitation. Yeay ! The event was held at Zouk Club on 21st March 2015.

Ko mampu pergi party pakai selipar ? 
Gasak lah, it was too late to change.

Since masa nie aku dekat UPSI, so aku tak ada transport lain selain naik ktm. Ktm nie pulak gerak satu jam sekali. Dan kitorang kena lapor diri jam 9 pagi-10 pagi. Bas UPSI nak ke kampus lama paling awal gerak jam 7.30 pagi. So aku kira-kira perjalanan memang tak sempat lah nak sampai sana before 10 o'clock. So aku decide nak call prebet untuk ambik aku dekat kolej dan hantar ke ktm pagi-pagi buta. The problem was, sape yang nak bangun subuh-subuh gajah semata nak hantar makhluk yang comel ini ke ktm. Itu lah persoalannya.

I didn't think about this transportation thing until it was 2 o'clock in the morning. And i am very sure that everybody was sleeping that time, who is going to answer phone calls or messages that time ? I was so stress. Thank God, my friend, Abg Chik, replied my whatsapp early in the morning. So he was the one who sent us to ktm that day at 6 o'clock in the morning. Fuhhh.

Did i just said "us" ?

Yes, i was not alone. I brought my partner in crime together with me to the party. Yeay ! Thank God they allowed all the participants to bring partner. Tak ada lah aku krikk krikk krikk je nanti dekat party tu macam masa aku pergi Party EH! 20 yang anggun dua tahun lepas. Perghhhh memang rasa forever alone sangat masa tu.

I don't like camera flash, it makes me look ugly while i actually don't. Confident.

Malam sebelum kejadian tu, puas dok fikir baju apa lah aku nak pakai. The theme for the party was 1960's Fashion. I was thinking to wear something traditional lah like our Bujang Lapok. Did all the fitting that night for hours. That is why we didn't think about transportation that night as we were too busy thinking about what to wear to the party.

Then i changed it at a very last minute. Very last minute. As soon as i reached there, i saw everyone was really glamorous and bling-bling and i was like a shipwrecked. What a disaster. I went to the hotel across the road and changed my look in the toilet. Why i chose to be a "Bujang Lapok" at a glamorous party ? What were you thinking Zharif.

Sampai-sampai je, kita daftar nama and dapat satu goodies bag yang sangat besar. Dalam goodies bag tu pulak bermacam-macam gifts ada. Yang paling best tu, kitorang dapat satu headphone yang awesome. Selain tu juga, ada discount vouchers, ada madu asli dari #MilkCowMY and macaroon from #ForetBlanc.

They prepared this one awesome big fotobox at the entrance. So sempatlah kami mengabadikan kenangan meraikan Nuffnang 8th Birthday di situ. I just don't like the flash. Hahahaa

Then kami pon start menjelajah dalam Zouk Club tu. Kecik je tempatnya, tak ada lah besar mana pon. Tapi boleh occupy ramai orang. So agak bersesak-sesak sikit lah. Nama pon club kan.

Credited to : Nuffnang Malaysia Page

The toppings for the ice cream. I love the bebola coklat tu

Credited to : Nuffnang Malaysia

First-first tu memang ice cream je aku tuju dulu. Repeat order untuk yang ke berapa kali ntah. Seriously sedap sangat. Aku suka topping-topping dia. Banyak pilihan. Ia membuatkan ice cream Milkcow nie bertambah sedap.

Masa nie ada kata alu-aluan lah dari pengerusi majlis, and some other things, i can't really remember. All i remember is, i keep taking this ice cream over and over again. That was it.

Lupa nak habaq, majlis nie bersempena meraikan lapan tahun kewujudan Nuffnang nie. So Happy 8rthday Nuffnang !! Dah nama pon birthday party so mesti lah kena ada cake cutting ceremony. Too bad i forgot to taste the cake. I bet it must be good.

Ada persembahan, ada sesi sharing from blogger-blogger otai pasal selok belok berblogging nie. Depa kata, tajuk sesebuah entri tu sangat penting untuk carian di google. Jadi kena letak yang betul-betul "kick" so that ramai viewers singgah. And lagi aku dah lupa dorang share pasal apa. Aku tengah makan.

And part yang paling di tunggu-tunggu telah tiba, sesi makan tengahari. I was so excited ! They got so many foods and all looked very tempting lah i would say. Semua nya aku ambik.

Amacam ?

That chicken wings, i don't know how many wings i ate during that event. Sangat sedap okeyh. Memang sekali ambik sampai 3-5 wings. Lepastu siap beratur lagi untuk tambah. Sah village people.

Sampai kekenyangan aku masa tu. Walau macam mana pon, tetap ambik ice cream lepas dah makan tu. Orang kata, selagi boleh. So kita gunakan konsep itu. Jangan kufur nikmat katanya.

Nak balik pon still pegang ice cream

Nope, aku tak terus balik. Singgah UKM kampus Kuala Lumpur lepas balik dari event Nuffnang nie. Aku ada talk pasal LGBT dekat situ. It was one of my Abnormal Psychology task. We all need to go there. I should went there by bus from UPSI with my fellow friends but since i got other commitment, so terpaksalah cari transport sendiri ke situ.

Rushing naik monorel pergi ke situ (I think it was monorel, can't remember that thing). Nasib baiklah ZOUK Club nie dengan UKM kampus Kuala Lumpur nie dipisahkan hanya dengan 2 station je. Fuhhh. But still, dah lambat 30 minit.

I was actually there. Cuma masa nie aku dah balik dulu. Korang pon tak bagi tahu ada sesi bergambar. Ciss. Lantak lah, asal aku hadir. Jangan cakap aku tak hadir pulak.

Dah kenapa orang sebelah tu ikut cara aku tidur, suka tiru tau, menci betul. 


  1. Nice outfit! Unfortunately, i couldn't join (again) Nuffnang 8th Birthday celebration. I bet all of you had so much fun kan?

    1. ya, i saw your name on the list. excited jugak at first ingat dpt jumpa. but tak datang pon T__T
      btw thanks. next year ada lagi ^__^

  2. Seronok gila pergi event macam ni. Makanan pun best. Networking opportunity pun luas :D

    1. makanan tu memang tiptop lah. aku kasi 5 bintang. bab networking tu pon okey for those yg peramah.
      aku nie krikk krikk je. hahahahhaa

  3. Zhariff, comel jer outfit... xpelah, bujang lapok pun comel ape...hahahahah seronoknya dia makan ice cream :D comel2...akk seronok bace entri ni :D
