Monday, December 12, 2016

LAZADA Online Revolution : Mamy Poko, L'OREAL, Maggi, Tefal

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera

Mari kita explore the rest of the gifts that i got in the Box Of Joy.


Everyone needs this gentle baby wipes, not just a family with baby. Gentle baby wipes nie sangat berguna in so many great ways. Memang WAJIB ada dalam kereta family aku. Even my mother brings this everywhere in her handbag.

Korang pon wajib ada benda nie. So boleh beli dekat website Lazada sebab ada diskaun yang maha dahsyat bersempena Online Revolution. Klik SINI .

Masa kat event Lazada bulan lepas, aku berjaya menjawab soalan semasa wakil dari Mamy Poko sedang mempromosikan lampin pakai buang baru mereka and i got this cute tiny little Mamy Poko. Terus tidur lena pagi senyuman ! Eh

Masa event tersebut juga, aku telah diberi sample lampin pakai buang baru daripada mereka and i gave that to my best friend's sister who just had a baby late October. She is very satisfied with the design and "technology" that has in Mamy Poko diapers. Sangat convenient dan mudah. Definitely very helpful for those who just became new parents, she said. So korang boleh beli produk-produk Mamy Poko di Lazada bersempena dengan Online Revolution nie, kerana terdapat banyak diskaun tau. Klik SINI .


Untuk mereka-mereka yang sangat menitikberatkan penjagaan rambut, here is a good news for you. L'oreal sedang membuat diskaun besar-besaran sempena Online Revolution. Jadi jangan lepaskan peluang ini untuk membeli produk-produk L'oreal di website Lazada sekarang. And for men out there, L'oreal nie bukan untuk perempuan sahaja, produk penjagaan untuk lelaki pon ada tau. Lelaki sekarang pon nak cantik. Lets cantik dengan klik SINI untuk shopping di Lazada !

MAGGI Royale White Tom Yam

Ini first time aku cuba Maggi Royale White Tom Yam. Serious memang sedap sangat !!!!

Korang semua kena cuba Maggi Royale White Tom Yam nie. Boleh dapatkan di Lazada untuk membeli. Klik SINI !

TEFAL Manual Chopper

TEFAL Manual Chopper nie sangat membantu untuk golongan ibu-ibu di luar sana dalam menyediakan hidangan untuk keluarga tercinta kerana ia akan memudahkan hari-hari memasak anda. I still have not use this manual chopper, so i have no idea how it works. According to the manual, hanya perlu tarik benda hijau pekat yang terdapat dekat penututp tu, and then lepaskan. Rasanya manual chopper nie works just like toys that i used to have when i was little. Tarik then lepaskan, then benda tu akan bergerak.

Boleh beli produk-produk Tefal di Lazada. Klik SINI !


Apa tunggu lagi ? This deals will end soon. Online Revolution dilanjutkan sehingga 14 December.
Jangan berlengah lagi !!

Thank you Lazada for this Box of Joy. I love it. Not to forget, the brands that are generously sponsored this Box of Joy. Thank you Mamy Poko, L'oreal, Maggi and Tefal ! There's a lot more brands i have not mention, but you know who you are. Thank you thank you !

Kindly click HERE for Nestle products that i have reviewed.

Click on the banner to shop


  1. Fuh yo, dapat patung putih comel. Nice review Zharif. I got one too but with slightly different items la. Mehehe!

  2. Suka Maggi tuh sedap.haha. Then chopper tuh i gave it to my mom.

  3. tak pernah lagi shopping kat lazada..will try later..nice sharing
