Tuesday, September 15, 2015

New Semester New Laptop

Assalamualaikum and good day everyone !

Ya Allah excitednya aku nak update entri kali nie. Sebab apa ? Sebab aku update guna laptop baru uols ! I bought it on 4 Sept. I've been waiting this moment to come true for such a long time. Dah lama sangat kot menyimpan hasrat nak beli laptop baru. Finally, Alhamdulillah termakbul jugak.

Laptop lama aku meragam dah lama dah. But still i used it until it can't be used anymore. Laptop lama aku tu memang dah nazak gila. Screen dah hampir bercerai dengan motherboard. Ko rasa ?

Aku nie bab-bab gadget nie agak clumsy sikit. Tengok jelah handphone Oppo aku tu. Belum 5 bulan guna, cermin kamera belakang dah retak seribu. Nasib baik kamera belakang okay and masih boleh digunakan lagi. Cermin yang melindungi lensa tu je yang pecah. But still, i was quite upset lah when that incident happened. Who don't ? Dah lah nak beli tu penuh onak dan liku, then tak jaga elok-elok pulak. Haihhh.

Nak beli laptop nie pon penuh onak dan liku tahu tak. Sampai 4 buah shopping complex ternama aku jejaki demi mencari sesuap laptop HP Pavilion nie. Sesuap pon boleh. The first 3 malls disappointed me. I went to KLIA 2 at first.

I was there actually to withdraw some money from Bank Muamalat ATM since Bank Muamalat has small amounts of branch. When i googled it, it shows that KLIA 2 has an ATM machine for Bank Muamalat and it is the nearest place that i can reach from my house. So i went there and it disappointed me, big time. The ATM machine is in the departure place where only people with flight ticket can access it. Like for real ? I drove my car there for nothing. Danggg.

I decided to withdraw at any ATM machines that accept Bank Muamalat card. Screw that RM 1.06 ! I don't care about it anymore. Plus, if i still insist to find Bank Muamalat ATM machine, i will waste my money on gas. What was i thinking at that time ? I shouldn't care too much about that RM 1.06. Grr !

Then, i went to IOI City Mall, Putrajaya. I was expecting there will be a HP shop that sells many types of HP laptop. But i was wrong. In fact, there's no HP shop there. Sigh. Shopping complex apa macam tu, harapkan saiz je besar. Aduii. Lepastu aku pergi The Mines. Pon sama jugak. Tak ada kedai yang betul-betul HP punya produk. Semua kedai-kedai yang biasa tapi jual pelbagai jenama laptop. Aku tak nak beli dekat kedai macam tu. Nak beli straight from HP outlet.

So pergi ke Midvalley pulak. Dengan harapan ada outlet HP kat situ. Alhamdulillah ada ! Gembira tak terhingga. Dah lah aku agak risau masa nie sebab duit dekat dalam wallet berkepuk-kepuk since aku nak bayar cash. Tu yang gigih cari bank Muamalat nak keluarkan duit tu. Lol

Aku beli HP Pavilion 14-ab021TX. I bought the red one. The color is so striking till you can see it from long distance. I hope it doesn't give you red eyes. Aku start jatuh cinta dengan HP Pavilion nie sejak baca blog Yuyu Zulaikha pasal laptop nie. Boleh refer dekat sini : KLIK

Since then, aku aim laptop nie dan Alhamdulillah, rezeki tu baru datang sekarang. Kalau dulu, HP menggunakan perkhidmatan Beats Audio sebagai speaker dorang. But i don't know what happenned between HP and Beats, so HP starts collaborate with B&O Audio. Tak mengecewakan malah aku rasa lebih hebat lagi. Sebabnya penjual tu kata, B&O nie kita boleh control and change the beats according to our preference. Kalau mengikut halwa telinga aku, aku jenis suka rentak yang ala-ala disco. So memang sedap lah kalau nak dengar lagu Jennifer Lopez guna laptop nie.

Banyak lah spesifikasi laptop nie yang membuatkan aku tertarik dan aim untuk beli. Korang boleh cek sendiri dekat website HP apa yang laptop nie offer. Percayalah, memang puas hati. Sangat sesuai untuk student macam aku. Harga pon tak mahal tau. Aku beli dengan harga RM 2149.00 . Sangat mampu milik. Bersesuaian dengan spesifikasi yang ditawarkan. I love my red Pavilion so much !!

Jadi, merasalah aku pakai laptop baru untuk semester yang baru nie. Alhamdulillah, dah lama aku tunggu saat ganti laptop nie. So i hope, this brand new laptop will stay with me forever, or at least for 10 years. But i hope it will stay longer than that. I will take care of you like menatang minyak yang penuh. Hopefully. Sama-sama doakan tau ?


"Goodbye my old laptop. You have been with me through thick and thin, we have lot of memories together. Now you are dead. I can't give your life back as it too expensive for me to fix you. So, just accept the faith that you are dead and can't be use anymore. You will be missed. Love, seorang Zharif. "

Bukan laptop je baru tau, aku juga beli phone baru. Aku suka handphone baru aku nie. Comel dan ringan je. Phone nie untuk buat call and message je. Ada lagi ke orang guna message berbayar zaman sekarang nie ? Lol.

Actually dah lama gila teringin pakai phone macam nie. Murah je harga dia, aku beli 13 September lepas dengan harga RM81 ringgit je. Nama Nokia nie ialah Nokia 105.

Selama nie pakai smartphone je kan, now kembali balik kepada era zaman dahulu kala. Seriously, so far, battery tak pernah habis lagi. 3 hari dah kot. Hebat !

Tentang semester baru, banyak betul perkara yang tidak di ingini berlaku kepada seorang Zharif. If you friend with me on Facebook, you probably already knew about this as i bragged about it on my Facebook.

I will tell you more about it in my next post. See ya !


  1. HP memang terbaik.. sy pengguna HP dari leptop sampailah printer... memang tak mengecewakan... :)

  2. Tahniahlah Zharif. Laptop baru. Kita geng la sekarang sebab aku pun pakai HP juga. Aku rasa HP dah tak guna Beats sebab Beats under Apple sekarang.

  3. Sesuap pun boleh. Haha okay jaga laptop baru bebaik . Assalamualaikum .

  4. ya alllahhh. by hook or by crook sy nk comment gak!
    my second time nmpk senior ! n i was like (<_@)!!!! nmpk senior mse kt perjumpaan bersama pengetua khar td...btw, thank u senior for ur suggestion pasal extension tuu..
    i justtt see u n wwwau! that blogger !
    junior nk comment gkkkk... my cute senior..
