Thursday, April 23, 2015

Psych Family Day 3.0

Assalamualaikum and Hi everyone ! 

Kita sambung cerita entry lalu. Malam Sabtu tu aku kena balik jugak UPSI sebab ada program keesokkan harinya (8 March2015). Nie aku nak cerita lah program tu. Nama program diberi ialah Psych Family Day 3.0 "Tautkan kasih, Layangkan Sayang".

It is an annual program for Psych UPSI. Last time i had so much fun, that is why i don't want to miss this year punya Family Day. You may click this LINK to feel the happiness i had in Psych Family Day 2.0.

Pagi tu dimulakan dengan senam aerobik yang diketuai oleh junior ku. Aku malas nak ulas lebih mendalam.
Layan gambar-gambar je yerp. Enjoy !

Started performing the cheers for every groups.

Then the game began.

First game, tiup belon dan pecahkan dengan cara duduk. 

Second game, berlari menggunakan kad board yang disediakan

Third game, makan roti masin teramat dan minum kopi manis. Gross !

Break for 30 minutes or so to eat lunch

Senam robik lagi  

Fourth game, fill the bottle with water by using sponge

Fifth game, hold 3 balloons without blow it out

Sixth game, run  while carrying ping pong ball with small spoon 

Seventh game, run with full water in a cup without merecik kan ia

Eighth game, tied the legs and run with partners

Tamat. Itu sajalah games yang ada. Most of the time, we didn't really follow the rules, we played ikut our otak and turned it into a messy situation. We had lots of fun for sure.

With the director of the programe, Syazarin

Itu saja yang aku nak cerita. Minta maaf lah sesape punya gambar yang aku conteng. Mohon jangan ambik hati.


  1. Your gambar2 yg diconteng tu yg buat entri ni menarik. Anyway my uncle lecturer kt upsi :)
